Thursday, September 25, 2008

As a kid

When I was a kid, my favourite TV show would have had to be Dragon ball Z. I had to watch it every time it was playing on the TV. My favourite toys were Legos and mini-stick. I remember back in the days, building stuff and playing hockey in my basement. My favourite game would have been road hockey outside with my friends. We would play for hours and not get tired of it. When I was a child, my favourite place was the arena, I would go there and look for pucks and after that I would go practice or have a hockey game.

Top 5 movies

My favourite movies would have to be action, thriller, horror and comedy movies. They have to keep me interested during the whole movie. My top 5 movies would have to be, Saving Private Ryan, The Godfather, American Gangster, Chuck and Larry and Scarface. All those movies were really good in there own ways. In Saving Private Ryan, the thing that captivated my interest was how they showed how the World War 2 really was about. The Godfather, Scarface and American Gangster, were all great gang movies. It aloud the public to witness what the mafia were doing before getting caught. Chuck and Larry, was just a funny movie, every minutes there was something said or done to make you laugh.